
Wednesday December 15th Dubai Frame

Annie made oatmeal pancakes for breakfast. We spent the morning doing laundry, and cleaning. We lounged around most of the day and watched the movie Unforgiven on Netflix.

For dinner we went down to the  Chin Chinese restaurant on the Ground Floor of the apartment building. After dinner we drove back downtown and checked out the Dubai Frame. Basically it resembles a huge golden picture frame. The elevator to the top of the Frame is on one side of the Frame. Once at the top you have an amazing view of Dubai. A section of the floor is glass and as you walk across it you can look down to the bottom floor. The elevator down is on the opposite side and the glass floor spans from one elevator to the other There is a museum on the bottom floor and of course a gift shop. Since I have known Annie she has constantly given me a hard time about all the plaid shirts I wear. She has unsuccessfully attempted on several occasions to POLITELY tell me that only OLD men wear plaid. With that in mind she just happened to find a solid black t-shirt with the Dubai Frame Logo on it and informed me I needed it. Of course I looked amazing in it!

It was a cooler evening and after checking out the Frame we decided to get coffee. Google Maps found a Starbucks near by and directed us there. It was part of the Dubai Shopping Festival which is located on the shore of the Dubai Creek. The creek is actually a man-made shipping channel. The same channel that the floating bridge crossesI mentioned in my December 9th post. I saw a pull out where a couple of cars were parallel parked and parked behind one.  We walked past several shops and would have like to have spent some time checking them out but they were in the process of closing for the day. We ordered some hot drinks at Starbucks and enjoyed them sitting outside by the shore. After we had been there for 30 minutes or so I was approached by some gentleman in uniforms. Apparently where I had parked was not a designated parking area. Luckily they understood I was just another clueless American and told me to move the car immediately. I have no idea how they knew I was the driver of the illegally parked car. Apparently a surveillance camera had given me away. After escaping jail time we decided to head back to the apartment and call it a day.

15Dec21 Photos